Upcoming webinars

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Recorded webinars Volupe

Below you´ll find all of our recorded webinars plus included presentations. To get access we kindly ask for your information before accessing the content.

* Recorded 29th of November 2023

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ updates 2023

Volupes Simcenter STAR-CCM update webinar. We have carefully reviewed the updates for Simcenter STAR-CCM version 2302, 2306 and 2310 respectively, and have compiled the information that we believe is the most relevant for our customer base. This will be presented in a one-hour session by our technical support team.

* Recorded 29th of March 2023

Marine Engineering using system simulation and Simcenter STAR-CCM+

Learn what advancements has been made in marine engineering simulation, how to evaluate different vessel propulsion systems, how to leverage hydrodynamic simulation results of your hull design to predict overall energy consumption throughout a preferred route.

* Recorded 30th of November 2022

Simcenter STAR-CCM update webinar

Volupes Simcenter STAR-CCM update webinar. We have carefully reviewed the updates for Simcenter STAR-CCM version 2022.1, 2206 and 2210 respectively, and have compiled the information that we believe is the most relevant for our customer base. This will be presented in a one-hour session by our technical support team

* Recorded 25th of May 2022

Hydrogen Webinar 45minutes

Learn what the current status for hydrogen is today and where it´s heading, why the area is gaining so much momentum right now, and how engineering simulation is used for minimizing risk, gaining insight, and attention. Is H2 the “golden arrow” or is it a part of a mixed energy-package?

* Recorded 24th of November 2021

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ update webinar 2021

We have carefully reviewed the updates for Simcenter STAR-CCM+ version 2021.1, 2021.2 and 2021.3 respectively, and have compiled the information that we believe is the most relevant to our customer base. 

* Recorded 31th of March 2021

Design space exploration with Simcenter STAR-CCM+

Digital design exploration opens the door to fast innovation at lower costs. It gives  valuable insight to find potential designs and to understand interrelation between parameters and performance. And the best is with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ you´ll get the tool to do that right at your fingertips within a familiar environment. Design space exploration Since 2017 STAR-CCM+ is equipped with the Design Manager and during this webinar we show you its ease of use such that you can get started right away.

Lear how you can set up a parameterized model, do automated design studies and asses the performance of your engineering product. We will show you the usage of the latest improvements within Simcenter STAR-CCM+´s Design Manager to fully employ reliability and robustness analysis powered by surrogate models.

Click here to download QnA for this session

* Recorded 17th of December 2020

Templating, an internal flow example

This recorded webinar is intended to give you an idea on the possibility to predefine your working file, using templating. In the example at hand, we will look at an example for internal flow.

We look at how to generalize your file by making it query based. We showcase the use of the file in a few different examples to show is ease. If you desire, you will be able to download the template file after the webinar, to either use, or simply to look at for inspiration in creating your own template file.

* Recorded 2 of December 2020

Hull Performance Simulation, easy!

This recorded webinar will showcase various ways to use the Hull Performance Workflow add-on (HPW) as well as template based approaches for carrying out resistance, sink and trim analyses in Simcenter STAR-CCM+. Whether it is doing sweeps of repeatable runs or trying to optimize a single design, these can be done with Simcenter products.

Learn how
Learn how best practice on Hull Performance Simulation is in embedded into your simulation and how it will empower your team of naval architects to accelerate product development and gain efficiency. Stay ahead of the competition and learn how to focus on driving performance and discovering better designs, faster!

* Recorded 12th of November 2020

Digital Thursday Webinar, 12th of November

Learn how automated Design Space Exploration will empower your engineering teams to accelerate product development and gain efficiency. Stay ahead of the competition and learn how to focus on driving performance and discovering better designs, faster!

Driving innovation has become a key focus for any industry. Companies are redefining their simulation strategies, using Design Space Exploration and intelligent optimization to maximize the capital investments of their existing simulation resources to find innovative solutions that meet or exceed performance requirements.

During this session we will show how you can achieve this.

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