This week in the Volupe blog we would like to discuss settings for the coupled solver. From our customers we have got the feedback that the coupled solver is needing a lot of manual set up, and that it can be difficult setting up a simulation that provide results which agree with expected values. We would therefore like to provide some information about how the coupled solver works, and also inform about two features that might help you in your simulations – Continuity convergence accelerator and Automatic CFL method. See the picture below for where in the tree structure to modify the solver settings for the coupled solver.
What it the Coupled solver?
The coupled solver solves the governing equations for your flow field as a system where all equations are coupled to each other and solved simultaneously. The opposite technique is called segregated solver, which solves the equations separately and provides information between equations after the iteration is completed. Compared to the segregated solver the coupled solver might be slower per iteration, but the iterations needed to converge the simulation might be fewer. The coupled solver should be used when you simulation involves stiff equations, meaning that a small change of the input gives a huge change in the solution. Compressible flow is an example of an application where to use the coupled solver. The coupled solver uses a pseudo-time marching approach, which is utilized in different ways depending on which time dependency is used in the simulation.- Steady: An unsteady form of the governing equations is driven towards a steady state with a pseudo-transient term which goes to zero. This pseudo-transient term uses an optimized pseudo-time step which is computed to satisfy stability constrains.
- Implicit unsteady: For the inner iterations inside of a physical time step a pseudo-time step is used, which is optimized based on the Courant number.
- Explicit unsteady: Here the actual time-step is determined to fulfill the criterion that the Courant number needs to be below one in every cell.