Advanced meshing and pre-processing, Simcenter STAR-CCM+, online
Training overview
This 1-day session in pre-processing and meshing will take you through some of the important features when it comes to creating the spatial discretization of your calculation domain. The session will go over some theory, but focus will be on examples of the different steps. It will cover the meshing tools of remeshing, directed meshing, morphing, Adaptive mesh refinement, thin mesher and overset mesh.
Duration: One day (8h).
Level: Intermediate
Training content
In this pre-processing training we will discuss the different meshing techniques in Simcenter STAR-CCM+, such as:
- Wrapping – Surface wrapping is a strong tool that can be used when your underlying CAD or surface representations does not meet the expectations to create a volume mesh. It can also be a tool to use if the exact features of your geometry are not of highest importance. In fact, if you allow for somewhat quick and dirty the surface wrapper can save you a lot of time. There are a number of features and custom controls for the wrapper and those will be explained in this session.
- Boundary layers – The boundary layers are of importance in order to resolve the boundary layers of your flow, the near wall effects. Methods for creating Layers in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ will be discussed and the differences will be shown.
- Semi-structured meshing – There are quick methods for meshing volumes in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ that allow you to utilize the shape of your domain in the creation of the mesh, such as directed meshing and generalized cylinder meshing.
- Volume meshing – How to best create your volume mesh, and what types of volume meshes can we create in Simcenter STAR-CCM+? Questions like this will be answered and examples will be shown and discussed together.
- Additional tools for meshing – Several workshops where we look at the different tools like, morphing and remeshing, directed meshing, overset mesh and AMR and the thin mesher.
Basic knowledge in CFD and Simcenter STAR-CCM+, potentially gained from attending to Volupe’s introductory course in Simcenter STAR-CCM+.