Johan Bernander, Application Support Engineer
Curious on finding the optimal solutions.
Johan Bernander is one of Volupe’s Application support engineers. That means supporting both the customers and the sales staff, when it comes to best application use. He holds a Master of Science in Fluid Mechanics from Chalmers University of Technology and has since he got his degree mainly been working in the energy and automotive segments of industry. Now he has decided that it’s time to put that knowledge to use for others. As part of Volupe.
– For more than ten years I’ve been a user of applications like Volupe’s. During this time, I’ve been dealing with a spectrum of challenges within the field. Now I feel that I can share some of my insights and maybe some dos and don'ts.
What are your main tasks at Volupe?
– To help and to support users of our applications. There is almost always more than one single solution to a problem. My task is to support our customers in finding the best one. To listen, to analyse, and in the end to put together enough information to single out the solution that work the best for the customer, in his or her tasks.
– I’ve also already started to hold workshops on the software for our customers. That is something I’m supposed to continue with.
“There is almost always more than one single solution to a problem.”
Why do you do what you do today?
– Working at Volupe is all about helping other people. To me, that also is a way of evolving myself, as well as my own skills. Here I have a chance to immerse myself in the different challenges and problems. That includes working with many different industry environments, always focusing on finding that optimal solution. I always liked math a lot and here math is one of my best problem-solving friends.
What’s your driving force?
– Knowledge. Or this urge to understand how things work. As I said, I’ve always liked math and finding out how things work. And of course, why things work in certain ways. That curiosity has taken me far. I like to make my skills come to use and contribute to others. And to create value for those I work with. If I while doing this also help others to learn, I’ve achieved a lot.
– At Volupe, my work is distinct and to the point, what I do is hopefully beneficial to our customers.
“That curiosity has taken me far.”
Are there any special methods you use?
– It almost always starts with a question from a customer. The first step is to try to understand what the customer wants to achieve, how the application can be put at best use. Sometimes the solution can be found quickly (based on previous experience), but it is important to be sensitive to what the customer really need. It’s important to ask valid questions and to start digging into the problem yourself. Either go directly into the software (trial-and-error) or to immerse yourself into the underlying theory. You also need to know whether the problem is within the realm of physics or math, or if it’s something more down-to-earth that needs to be fixed.
What’s important when you meet others?
– Humility and curiosity. It’s important to be a good listener, including being able to find the right questions to ask. It's all about understanding the customer and the challenges they have. Also, to realize that you might not have all the answers yourself, but to find your part and to figure out what you can contribute with. Letting my competence be natural and self-evident within the situation.
– This is one of the things I really like about Volupe. I am here because I am needed, everyone in our team has important roles to fit. I like the teamwork, and I like that we all have both distinct and broad competencies.
– You must remember that work meetings give you an opportunity to get to know the customer. It’s all about trying to understand, and to create relationship. So that you can access that all-important feedback.
Anything special you are proud of?
– My family of course. Together, we’ve recently renovated a house. The planning, the execution, the result. It’s quite a pleasure to see the result of our mutual hard work. And it has so far turned out exactly how we wanted it. That makes me proud.
– In general, I’m also proud of where I am as a professional. Today I feel confident in my skills and competencies. I’m proud that I’ve gotten to this point in my professional life.
“Today I feel confident in my skills and competencies.”
What do you see in the future?
– To continue to develop, constantly with that fun curious mindset. I love to learn and to keep on learning. This means that I want to explore more about just everything I do. To continue to give my professional heart and mind a chance to keep growing. In short - to stay curious.