Simcenter FLOEFD for Frontload CFD simulation

Leverage fully CAD-embedded CFD software for designers to significantly shorten development time by evaluating fluid flow and heat transfer earlier in the design process using industry-leading software such as NX, Solid Edge, CATIA, and Creo.

Simcenter FLOEFD

What is Simcenter FLOEFD?

Simcenter FLOEFD is a CAD-embedded software that provides the power of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation to its users. It can be used directly within NX, Creo, CATIA V5, or Solid Edge to explore the full potential of your ideas without impacting your design process. With easy geometry or boundary conditions changes, fast and frequent analysis, and advanced insightful reports within your preferred CAD platform, Simcenter FLOEFD can help you save up to 75% of simulation time and increase productivity by up to 40x. It’s the perfect tool to boost your organization’s efficiency while keeping costs low.

Contact us

Some of our Simcenter clients

Volupes contacts for Simcenter FLOEFD

Carl Wanngård, M.Sc.


Lukas Johansson, M.Sc.


Why Choose Simcenter FLOEFD

Simcenter FLOEFD enables design engineers to perform simulation earlier in the design process when it is more cost-effective to identify and fix problems or explore improvements. Integrated in CAD, it has shown improved productivity by a factor of x2 to x40.

Simcenter FLOEFD CAD embedded interface empowers design engineers to perform simulations effortlessly. The guided simulation set up and execution, coupled with intelligent automation technologies and clear result visualization, make exploring design performance a breeze. This enables design engineers to make informed decisions with ease and overcome traditional barriers.

Simcenter FLOEFD simplifies geometry translation and eliminates delays in preparing CAD models for CFD analysis. With its native geometry interface, it allows for concurrent changes to the CAD model while exploring performance or evaluating changes. Additionally, Simcenter FLOEFD's automatic meshing and SmartCell technology excel at handling even the most challenging CAD geometries with small gaps and surface inconsistencies. The software also includes intelligent automation, such as automatic sealing of CAD geometries and leak identification, streamlining the pre-processing stage.

Leverage parametric studies and design exploration functionality to evaluate more design options within the time available. Evaluate 'what if' scenarios to ensure product performance and reliability in different conditions. 

Using this software, you can easily compare designs using side-by-side with CFD result visualizations, plots and tabular results and generating reports in just a few clicks. When your design is optimized using simulation, you can directly communicate the CAD model to other engineering functions.

floefd simulation

Smart Cartesian meshing technology

Simcenter FLOEFD is a CAD embedded software that enables engineers to through thermal simulation, simulate thermal problems and fluid flow. Simcenter FLOEFD eliminates the workflow complexity and meshing overheads of old-school CFD software. The software uses smart Cartesian meshing technology which is ranked as the most efficient framework for simulating mass, fluid flow and heat transfer to the design.
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Thermal Netlist Extraction

Using Reduced Order Model (ROM), the thermal netlist extraction converts a full technology Simcenter FLOEFD project into a thermal netlist . This thermal netlist is then connected to an electrical netlist for the electro-thermal analysis.
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Electrical Element

This is one of the latest in the range of features in Simcenter FLOEFD. By the given component’s electrical resistance, this thermo-electric compact model can be used to link a component to a direct current electro-thermal calculation . The related joule heat is calculated and added to the simulation as a heat transfer source.
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Simcenter FLOEFD Electronics Cooling module

The Electronics Cooling module in Simcenter FLOEFD, uses the latest technology in CFD simulation and enables you to accurately predict thermal behavior of electronic devices with compact models, such as validating electronics cooling system performance to achieve long product life, enable joule heating analysis in and efficiently explore methods for cooling electronic devices.

BCI-ROM + Package Creator Module new functionalities: the Package creator, Thermal Netlist and BCI-ROM

In addition to the the Package creator, Thermal Netlist and BCI-ROM functionalities, the PCB compact model has been added to this module. Prior to this it was only available in the Simcenter FLOEFD Electronics Cooling module.
Our Promise

Why Choose Volupe for Your CFD Needs?

Volupe is dedicated to offering top-tier CFD solutions. Our STAR-CCM+ software caters to various industries. It guarantees optimal results for engineers and analysts in fields like marine, automotive, aerospace, and energy.

Simcenter suite

Siemens Simcenter efficiently solves fluid flow problems. Optimize designs and analyze physics problems with advanced software. Reach engineering heights with Siemens Simcenter.

Get started

Start your CFD journey by exploring the process - get ahead today!

We care about support to our customers

Volupe has consistently been recognized as a top partner for customer support by Siemens Digital Industries Software. Our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional service and support to our valued customers has been repeatedly acknowledged. These accolades serve as a testament to our dedication to providing the highest level of assistance and expertise in the industry and particulary STAR-CCM+

Customer support award
5 star

Customer success and Support

The Volupe customer success program includes regular technical follow-up meetings with our Customer Success Manager Carl Stenson. We go through what projects you have carried out, what you see in front of you and how we can support you in the best possible way. All our customers will be appointed a dedicated support technician who will be your first point of contact and carry relevant experience from your industry and how the software can be used efficiently and accurately.

The leading Siemens simulation partner

We have established us as the leading Siemens simulation partner in Europe during the last couple of years and the incredible work from the Volupe team is now paying off. 

Volupe will be commercially responsible for the following software products, drive presale activities and assist customers with advanced technical support:

  • CAE Simulation: Simcenter STAR-CCM+, Simcenter Flotherm/XT, Simcenter FLOEFD, Simcenter 3D, Simcenter Femap
  • System Simulation Solutions: Simcenter Amesim, Simcenter Flomaster
  • Optimization: Simcenter HEEDS

Sales region of Volupe

Volupe is a preferred Smart Expert Siemens Platinum Solution Partner focusing on delivering and supporting engineering software for the Nordic-, Baltic-, Benelux-, Central Eastern Europe and Iberia regions.

  • Nordic
    Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland
  • Baltic
    Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
  • Benelux
    Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg
  • Central Eastern Europe
    Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Monte Negro and Macedonia.
  • Iberia
    Spain and Portugal

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