Have you ever intended to run a multiphase simulation in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ and found that once you thought everything was set up properly, once all initial conditions and boundary conditions where specified, the simulation never started because some sum of mass or mole fractions did not add up to unity? I have experienced this, and even though I work daily with Simcenter STAR-CCM+, this still happens to me. My idea with this blog post is to sort out the different settings for the different types of multiphase simulations.
Eulerian models
The difficulty generally stems from the different settings in reference to the Eulerian models. In Simcenter STAR-CCM+ we have the following Eulerian multiphase models:- EMP – Eulerian multiphase model, the mother of Eulerian simulations. The most versatile model, but also the most expensive Eulerian model.
- MMP – Mixture Multiphase model, a simplification of the EMP model that assumes some homogeneity.
- DMP – A real lightweight Eulerian model that simulates highly diluted dispersed phases with small impact to the continuous flow. (Preferably less than 1% volume fraction)
- VOF – Volume of fluid, an interface tracking model for simulation of immiscible fluids.
The example
The best way to show the differences in the setups is to create simulations for each model with as similar setups as possible. So, for comparison, this is the settings that are the same for the different models:- A two-phase system
- A multi-component liquid phase with water (H2O) and methanol (CH4O)
- A multi-component gas with oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Initial and boundary conditions (inlet/outlet) is species mass fraction 0.99 for water and 0.01 for methanol, for the liquid phase.
- Initial and boundary conditions (inlet/outlets) are species mass fraction 0.95 for oxygen and 0.05 for carbon dioxide, for the gas phase.
- Initial and boundary conditions for the volume fractions is 0.5 for the liquid phase and 0.5 for the gas phase.
- Note that the values and setup is nonsensical, especially since VOF fractions should be separated by an interface, either by specifying full fractions to different locations or by starting with one phase and filling up with another. (Imagine a pouring liquid.)
- Note also that the DMP model has special treatment since it does not allow for a multi-component phase. It has been specified as pure water in a multi-component gas as the continuous phase.
- No specific regard has been put into including multiphase interaction models, more than to show where special attention is needed in a similar setup.