We at Volupe strive to be able to give you (all the simulation engineers out there) the best support possible. Therefore, we have created a y+ calculator at our webpage, linked here: Volupe’s y+ calculator.This y+ calculator is the first published content in our own handbook for engineers, to which we will add further functionality that is useful for engineers in their daily work. This week’s blog post will describe the purpose of using a y+ calculator, features in Volupe’s y+ calculator and how to use the y+ calculator (together with some tips) when deciding mesh settings. Summary of tips from the blog post:
- The y+ calculator is divided into four parts. If you determine the mesh settings in order part 1 to 4, you will automatically obtain the calculated outputs as inputs in the following steps.
- You can of course use each part of the y+ calculator independently as well.
- Use the calculated boundary layer thickness in part 2 to have a value to aim for in part 3 for the prism layer total thickness.
- How to define your prism layer mesh, dependent on your prism layer distribution mode in Simcenter STAR-CCM+.
- Make sure your transition between the prism layer mesh and the bulk mesh is smooth, by defining your base size close to the value of the last prism layer cell height.
- For the bulk mesh cells adjacent to the prism layer mesh, make sure you obtain cells with high aspect ratio by defining the surface mesh target size to the value of the last prism cell height.
What is a y+ calculator?
A y+ calculator is a way of determining the height of the first cell by the wall in a CFD simulation based on overall settings in the simulation and the desired y+ value. Since the velocity, when you use the no-slip condition to a stationary wall, is zero at the wall, but non-zero in the fluid domain, you get large gradients in the velocity field close to walls. These gradients need to be resolved, in order to get an accurate solution close to the walls. This y+ calculator will help you to determine both the first cell height at the wall, and setting all other properties for the mesh as well, to obtain a good mesh at the first try. The process of creating a mesh for CFD simulations is very delicate and several settings must harmonize. This can be an iterative and time-consuming process, but hopefully we can help you save both time and increase the overall quality of the final mesh with our y+ calculator.Description of all parts of Volupe’s y+ calculator
The calculator is divided into 4 parts (each part is described in a section below, with a picture of the default settings used on the webpage):- First cell height in prism layer
- Boundary layer thickness
- Settings for the prism layer mesher
- Transition from prism layer to bulk mesh